Graduation "Celebration" cards

Today's "photo" prompt at Inspiration Station Challenge Blog is so sweet; little girls celebrating at a birthday party.   My take away was "celebration."   A few weeks ago my daughter's friend asked me to make a couple of graduation cards for her.  As I was making them,  I couldn't  help thinking how quickly they go from sweet little girls at birthday parties, to seniors graduating from high school.   We cry as we see them walk across the stage, after all it seems like only yesterday we were making the birthday party rounds.    I shared what I was thinking, so now it's your turn to make a card using the June prompt and tell how you used the prompt to get your creative juices flowing!   So head on over to the Inspiration Station Challenge Blog and check out all the fabulous projects from the design team and then add yours for us to enjoy!   Blessings to all of you and thank those of you who follow my blog and leave such encouraging comments.   I am thankful for my friends from all over the "globe."      Smiles,   Kathy DT

I computer generated the sentiments and bought the cap and diploma image from Etsy.  I created the background paper on the purple card, by dotting with gold and purple sharpies. 



  1. Beautiful cards Kathy - love the second one featuring the C.S.Lewis quote. You created a wonderful background for it using the pens.
    The children certainly grow up quickly - my 4 'grands' have all graduated up to another level and school

  2. Sweet cards and great memories. Children grow up so fast, we turn around twice and their off starting their own life journey. Thanks for a wonderful card for The Inspiration Station Challenge!
    Donna xx

  3. Fantastic grad cards Kathy! I love how you've added the personalized sentiments to them and your detail with the colors and pen accents! Memories can sneak up on you really fast! HUGS

  4. Beautiful Graduations cards and love the p.paper.
    Carol x
