Christmas Swag...

Everyone is probably tired of Christmas cards and ready to move on...but I decided I wanted to make just one more and really it's Christmas and beyond to those who believe and accept Jesus Christ as God's son in whom the Father is well pleased.   I had used a similar color scheme a few months back with a wreath card I made.  I used the wreath die cut and another die cut and cut and fiddled and wahla....It is inspired by FreshlyMade Sketch #318   I rotated the sketch to the side because I wanted to use this Bible Verse that I  bought a few years ago.  I'm also glad I had 2 weeks to make something....just seem to have a lot going on the last couple of weeks!    Happy New Year, may it be filled with family fun and fun making cards!


  1. Beautiful verse - Love the cluster of leaves! Glad you joined us at FMS!

  2. What a beautiful sentiment stamp! And I love the little swag you've created. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Made Sketches!

  3. Thank you for your encouraging comments!
