Grey, Gold Black...

I decided to combine the challenge at Color Throwdown #471 and the Case this Sketch #249 and see what I could come up with......
Supply List:
cs: SU black, smoky slate
ink:  Memento-Tuxedo Black and SU Smoky Slate
Sentiment:  Hero Arts
Stamp:  Flourishing Phrases SU
Gold diagonal paper:  Paper Studio Gifts of Gold 6x6
Ribbon: gold organdy (?) Gold metallic thread (thrift store find)

When I took it off the easel after making its' picture, I discovered I had it opening on the opposite side.  I'm giving it "as is" to a friend of my daughters...she will think its' funny!


  1. Oh, this is beautiful! Wonderful take on the sketch!

  2. Beautiful take on the sketch! Congrats on being a CTS favorite!
